When Jane was a young girl, she and her stuffed chimpanzee, Jubilee, spent their days exploring and studying the world around them, observing miracle after miracle. The more Jane learned about her world, the more she loved it and had a desire to care for and improve it.

She went on adventures, kept journals, and developed a special bond with the natural world. I love that the book includes drawings and puzzles that Jane created as a young girl. You'll find those kind of special details on so many of the pages. Jane went to bed every night dreaming of a time when she could live among and help the animals she loved.

Until she woke up one day, living her dream.

I was fascinated by the impact that realizing this story was real had on my son. Perhaps the only thing better than helping your child develop dreams of their own, is helping them see that their dreams can actually come true. Me...Jane is an inspiration in more ways than one.
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